Taylor Morrison West Florida launched a new Facebook app called 50 Ways to Get Inspired! You can use it for free here.
When you need to get inspired, you’ll find 50 fun projects, tips for restoring balance to your life and ideas for getting more engaged with yourself, your family and your community. They’re all opportunities to create treasured memories and make every day of your life unforgettable.
I got a sneak peek at the content. Ideas range from doing a jigsaw puzzle to gardening with the kids, face painting, building a bird house and taking time out for a bubble bath or a favorite book.
I can’t wait to try #18, Invent a Secret Handshake, at our next family gathering. What a fun way to bond with family members and create tradition. One of my other favorites is #38, Find Three Things. The idea is to have regular mutual appreciation sessions with loved ones. You tell each member of your family three things you like about them and they do the same. Everyone writes down the encouraging words they receive and then keeps them in a special box to revisit when spirits are low or moods are bad. How inspiring is that?!
It got me thinking about all the different opportunities I have every day to get inspired and inspire others. Something as simple as trying a new recipe or sharing a favorite poem with my mom change my outlook or improve someone else’s. How about you? What inspires you? Let’s hear how you get inspired.