Thanks to Realtor Judy Pitt, who specializes in Denver, CO homes, a tiny Kenyan village in desperate need of fresh water is getting a well for the first time. At our annual “Keys to Success” event, Pitt won a shiny new red Mercedes Benz from Taylor Morrison for the second time in three years. And, for the second time, she is turning her good fortune into a gift for Kenya.
Two years ago, Pitt donated the cash buyout she opted for in lieu of the Mercedes to the Kazi Yake Foundation, which she serves as executive director. This incredible organization is dedicated to helping needy rural Kenyan villages. This year, the rules had changed and Pitt was required to accept the car instead of cash.
Brian Cartwright, Vice President of Sales and Marketing in Denver, and Graham Hughes, Corporate Vice President of Sales and Marketing stepped in and gave Pitt a $30,000 cash donation for her charity, and raffled the car off to another Realtor who helps homebuyers find homes for sale in Denver, CO. An additional Realtor was moved to add a donation of $5,000 to the cause.
We get to work with some very incredible people and we’re proud to know people like Pitt, Cartwright and Hughes who exemplify generosity at its best.
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