Taylor Morrison homeowners share one gigantic trait: they love kicking their feet up to relax. Enjoying a remarkable staycation is easy at our award-winning master planned communities.
From Steiner Ranch in Austin to new homes in Fort Myers, here are 7 fabulous stay-at-home vacation ideas for getting the most out of summer.
Set Up Camp
Grab your tent and buy all the fixings for s’mores! Kids love camping, even if it’s right there in your own backyard.
Visit Virtual Museums
The Smithsonian Natural History Museum, Boston Children’s Museum, and even the Louvre in Paris offer free online tours.
Global Kitchen
Look up an international recipe online and sample a new dish from overseas.
DIY Ice-Cream
Bring back this classic tradition from your childhood. Rock salt + cream & sugar = fun!
Check It Out
Your local library has thousands of hours of adventure available for free, zip, nada.
Breathe Nature
Take a nature walk or feed ducks at the lake.
Unplug for a Day
There’s nothing quite like an electronics-free day at home to recharge your batteries.