Great things come in groups of five. The number brings a slew of things to mind in history, pop culture and life. Off the top of our heads, a few automatically stand out—The Great Lakes, the five senses, five food groups, weekdays (Mon-Fri.), the Big 5 networks, most classic plays have five acts, an apple sliced horizontally has five seeds, basketball positions on the court (yep, there’s five), Lifesaver flavors and The Jackson Five.
But right now, for Taylor Morrison, it holds a special meaning—as it’s the number of times the company has earned the distinction of America’s Most Trusted® Home Builder* by Lifestory Research®. Taylor Morrison first earned the No. 1 spot in 2016 and has dominated the title ever since—marking the longest-running record in the award’s history.
The very nature of building homes means our customers place an incredible amount of trust in us each and every day, and we at Taylor Morrison are determined to make that experience as magical as it can and should be. With great trust comes great responsibility—it’s what inspires and motivates us to continue to always do the right thing and put our customers at the forefront of everything we do, every decision we make.
Sheryl Palmer, Taylor Morrison Chairman and CEO
America’s Most Trusted® Home Builder* by Lifestory Research ® is a study where more than 34,000 home shoppers rate the trustworthiness of more than 100 homebuilders each year.
Trust is one of the strongest indicators of a consumer’s willingness to invest in a brand and is a benchmark of success that every company strives for. Our extensive research into buyer trust over the past eight years has continued to show that Taylor Morrison is the brand they trust most when it comes to home builders.
Eric Snider, Lifestory Research President
Trust is something hard to earn and even harder to keep, which makes us all the more prouder to be an organization that has built a reputation on something so precious. We’re committed to earning the title in the eyes of our customers each and every day. Know that you can trust us to build the house you’ll turn into a home. And to hear what other happy homeowners have to say about working with America’s Most Trusted® Home Builder*, visit us today.
Additional Helpful Information
- Proud to Continue a Winning Tradition
- America’s Most Trusted® Home Builder*
- Trust Is Everything and We’re Delighted to Have Yours

*Taylor Morrison received the highest numerical score in the proprietary Lifestory Research® 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 America’s Most Trusted® Home Builder study. Your experiences may vary. Visit